Article presented in "IV Redes Digitais e Culturas Ativistas", by the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, in September of 2020

Thinking of the documentary “Bixa Travesty”, by Kiko Goifman and Claudia Priscilla, as a space to represent the body of the artivist and singer Linn da Quebrada and of aesthetic-political power, this article develops in the perspective of understanding the recognition brought by narratives that stimulate and disseminate travesti's subjectivity. We have as a starting point the thought of audiovisual as a demonstration of the memory and culture of a people and a strong micropolitical vector for future affirmations and transformations in progressive public policies, as Nancy Fraser brings in her studies. Working from concepts that value affection, decoloniality, the process, experience and the construction of a thought focused on the specificities of the global South, we aim to outline an artistic and social panorama created from the production and broadcast of the documentary. We also consider the context of audiovisual genre artivisms in the city of São Paulo as a strong engine for the documentary. We believe that Linn da Quebrada's understanding as a character, not only within the narrative, but also within the social fabric, which has been building spaces for placement and strengthening travestis within the Brazilian social sphere in recent years, is of utmost importance to understand the audiovisual artivisms of dissident genres. For the present construction, we bring concepts by Paul Preciado, Suely Rolnik, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Donna Haraway and Nancy Fraser. As a method, we combine Michel Maffesoli's Common Knowledge with the perspectives of analysis of audiovisual materials and micropolitics. As a result, we foresee an understanding of the contexts of the documentary, meaning and creation of powers from the use of the recognition of travesti's subjectivity as a driving force for the transformation of the power-capital structure. We believe that the emergence of materials and research by dissident groups is a reflection of the need not to update, but to shatter current control and domain standards.
Keywords: Audio-visual; Body; Brazil; LGBTI; Travesti.